photo: janeb13, Pixabay
ECTA invites all IP students and professionals to participate in the ECTA Award! As of today, you can submit an article or essay of importance for the development of the EU trade mark, design, copyright or geographical indications law.
The winners will receive a sum of 2.000 € for the first prize in the student category, 3.000 € for the first prize in the professional category and 1.000 € and 500 € respectively for the second and third prizes in both categories. All winners will be granted 18 months of ECTA membership and their paper will be published on our website. First prize winners shall also be invited to the ECTA Annual Conference in Prague (28 June - 1 July 2023) and honoured by the ECTA President.
Consult the ECTA Award submission requirements and judging criteria and send your paper to ecta@ecta.org by 28 February 2023.
All submissions will be judged by the ECTA Professional Affairs Committee with the support of other Committees and the supervision of Board of Directors.