
Meta shakes up music industry with new revenue sharing deal

photo: image: Unsplash

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has unveiled a new monetization feature that seeks to share revenue between music artists and content creators on the social media platform. 

Music Revenue Sharing is designed to make it easier for creators to monetize videos even when using licensed music, with Meta championing it as “the first of its kind within the music industry,” helping the site’s content creators “access more popular music, deepening relationships with their fans.”

The metaverse, NFTs and IP rights: to regulate or not to regulate?

photo: Photo by mahdis mousavi on Unsplash

As far back as the late sixth century BC, the Greek philosopher Parmenides declared, “nothing comes from nothing.” In the digital era, every two or three years now, apparently unprecedented phenomena seem to come from nothing and yet appear to have the power to revolutionize the world and the law. A few years ago, it was Web 2.0, then Cloud Computing, Blockchain and Web 3.0.

From Tupac to ABBA: Will the metaverse change the band touring?

photo: pixabay

Will our favourite artists be able to live forever on the stage?

It was a technological feat that made history, wowed audiences, and brought a dead rapper back to life. In April 2012 at the Coachella festival in California, Tupac Shakur took to the stage with Snoop Dogg and Dr Dre. He’d been dead for 16 years, killed in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas. But this was Tupac the hologram, foul-mouthed and lifelike, performing before a “shocked and then amazed” crowd.

What is the metaverse and why everybody talks about it?

photo: cottonbro from Pexels
If you’ve been following virtual reality news lately, you’ll have likely heard mention of something called ‘the metaverse’. Where has this new word come from, and what is the metaverse?. The metaverse is the term for a collection of virtual worlds. Think of the metaverse as the universe for virtual worlds. But what are these virtual worlds? Virtual worlds exist in virtual and augmented reality apps and games, where everything happens virtually. For example...