trade marks

Chatbot for Easy Filing Users

photo: Pixabay

In the context of the Strategic Plan 2025, under Digital Evolution Programme, the EUIPO has launched its first EUIPO Virtual assistant in EasyFiling: the EUIPO Chatbot.

The Chatbot was released in December 2021 as a Beta version for trade marks thanks to the close collaboration between CD and DTD. It is also available on EUTM Easy Filing 24/7.It provides general information on basic questions and doubts that users may have when filing online.

History of trade marks

photo: Pixabay

A trade mark is commonly defined as a sign, for example a word or a logo, that functions as an indicator of commercial origin. So, if I am in the business of making cakes and biscuits, attaching my trade mark to boxes containing such products serves to inform consumers that they come from me.

Standing this essential function of trade marks, it is probably not surprising to learn that their history dates back several hundreds of centuries. Let’s find out more!

Trade marks from the Middle Ages to the 20th century

1 million digitised trade marks and designs: the ECP5 project

The 1 million digitised files milestone was achieved on 7 July 2021 at the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH). The total number of digitised pages stands now at approximately 18 million.

The ECP5 Capture and Store Historical Files is a European Cooperation Project that aims to digitise paper dossiers across EU intellectual property (IP) offices to enable easy and rapid access to documentation and data related to trade marks and designs.