
EUIPO wins Gold in the Green World Environment Awards

Green sphere
photo: Pixabay

Green is the new Gold; The EUIPO has won the 2022 edition of the Green World Environment Awards. The Office was listed in the Climate Change category, and was selected as winner due to our achievements in reducing the Office's energy, paper and carbon consumption which is part of the environmental project – Reduction of the EUIPO’s environmental impact.

Bacteria Used to Clean Ancient Art

photo: Igor Ferreira
Most people don’t think of bacteria when they consider cleaning supplies. But for the Italian National Agency for New Technologies (ENEA), its library of microorganisms is an essential tool for art restoration work. Most recently, a team of scientists and restorers used three types of bacteria to clean Michelangelo’s work in the Florentine Medici Chapels. In two nights, the bacteria cleaned centuries of dirt without leaving any damage or residue on the marble.