Inventing is easy! It is important to notice what surrounds us, and to try to improve it.
The aim of the National Contest of Young Inventors is to encourage children to think about
things that do not exist yet, to notice and find solutions to problems that surround them,
introduce the young to the exciting world of inventions and innovation and to acknowledge
young people with outstanding ideas as well as their supervisors and schools. The contest is
open for all students from year 1 to 12 and they are judged in three age groups.
Submitted ideas do not have to be complex, but novel and provide a solution to a specific problem, the
ideas of the older age group must also be realistically feasible. Entries will be judged in three age groups of upper secondary level:
Grades 1-4, Grades 5-9, Grades 10-12 (including vocational students of the relevant age).
Deadline for submission of contest works is the October 15.
The best entrants, their supervisors and the best school will receive monetary prizes. One young
inventor will have the opportunity to participate in the world’s largest pre-college science fair Intel
ISEF in the United States, the best entrants will be asked to visit the young inventors’ camp. Special
Prizes are provided by foreign embassies, several ministries, research centres, companies etc.
The contest of young inventors is supported by teacher trainings, which introduce invention
as a process, the methods for its integration into school lessons and its application in the curriculum
as compulsory creative or practical work.
Read more about the competition at https://www.etag.ee/tegevused/konkursid/opilasleiutajate-konkurss/