Authors of literary works have:
- Intellectual property rights ;
- exclusive legal right of use.

provides two kinds of benefits:
- economic – the financial benefit of a publication, public performance, adaptation;
- moral – protection of the author’s interests.

Varieties of works:
- Novel,
- Poetry,
- Play,
- Article.




Sherlock Holmes
The literary character with the most numerous film and TV reincarnations (254). Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s works are the literary source of 285 films. His works are now in the public domain 70 years after his death, and literary characters are not subject to copyright.

Peter Pan
Has timeless copyright in favour of a charity hospital for children in London.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
“The Little Prince” is the most translated book in the world (in 300 languages). Exupery’s copyright was extended until 2045 because he fought for France in World War II.

Anne Frank
Her diary was published in more than 30 million copies in 67 languages. Although 70 years have expired, copyright arguments are ongoing regarding the dairy’s adaptation, done by her father.