снимка: https://www.wdcvalencia2022.com/
The Creative Economy Forum is a meeting held for the third consecutive year in Spain where you will find ways to finance creative and innovative projects and learn about experiences on how to connect sustainability, technology and creativity to generate innovation.
A Forum designed for professionals of Innovation, Sustainability, Technology, Marketing and Communication, Businessmen, Entrepreneurs and Public Administrations.
Free admission, limited seating, registration on the web:
09.30h Accreditations
09.45h Let’s start!
10.00h Creative Economy and Cross Innovation
There will be innovative companies and projects from the Valencian Community and the Basque Country that are already in the Creative Economy and they will speak first hand how they are working to achieve the triple bottom line: Economic, Social and Ecological.
(with Ana Illueca ADN Cerámico and Jokin Tellería Dan-tz)
10.30h Innovative Public Procurement (CPI)
One of the contracting mechanisms that public administrations have to accelerate the innovation processes of companies and start ups. You will be also able to hear the news of initiatives such as CPIenacción and cases of public administrations that are already involved in PPI processes.
(with Olga Broto, director of Innova&acción)
11.00 a.m. Innovative Patronage
innovative patronage is one of the most innovative financing vehicles for innovation and creativity in Spain. We will learn how it works and what I have to do to find this profile of patron.
11.30 a.m. Intellectual and Industrial Property
We usually know intellectual and industrial property from a point of view to protect our products and services, but here you will discover a new point of view on how intellectual and industrial property can help us to generate income and benefits to finance the creativity and innovation of our organization.
(with Eva Toledo, Co CEO of PADIMA)
12.00 p.m. coffee break + networking
A first moment to interact with speakers and participants.
12.30 p.m. Public Funding for Innovation
The National Innovation Company ENISA will present its lines of work for the financing of viable and innovative business projects of Spanish SMEs.