foto: Unsplash, Wolfgang_hasselmann
Mootral, a Swiss AgriTech startup, produces a natural animal feed supplement that significantly reduces methane emissions from ruminants – animals that chew their cud, like sheep and cattle. Mootral’s innovative technology is tackling climate change, one cow at a time.
Mootral is a natural feed supplement that significantly reduces methane emissions from the enteric fermentation of ruminants and is the result of extensive research and development. It is based on a proprietary combination of active compounds from garlic and bioflavonoids derived from citrus. The company’s research shows a nearly complete inhibition of emitted methane in laboratory experiments (in vitro) and, depending on animal breed, age, farm conditions and feed regime, a reduction of up to 38 percent under real farm conditions (in vivo). Mootral can be easily integrated into the feed chain to suit the needs of different farming systems.