IP Number of the Day

Number of the Day: 97%

real or fake
photo: Freepik

97% of reported dangerous counterfeit goods were assessed as posing a serious risk to consumers.

Number of the Day: 43%

photo: Pixabay

43% of Europeans believe that the primary beneficiaries of intellectual property are big business and show business.

Number of the Day: 15 bln

photo: Pixabay

European member states lose out on €15 billion of tax revenues annually because of counterfeiting.

Number of the Day: 10

photo: Pixabay

Protection of EU trade marks lasts for 10 years from the application date and they can be renewed every 10 years indefinitely. 

Number of the Day: 68%

photo: Pixabay

A recent MTV study shows that 68% of the teens would pay for music out of respect for the artist, despite their belief that music should be freely available.

Number of the Day: 20 years

photo: Pixabay

Registering a patent gives you exclusive rights over your invention for a limited period, normally 20 years. Other people cannot make, use, offer for sale, sell or import a product or a process based on your patented invention.

Number of the Day: 96%

Skull and parrot
photo: Pixabay

Piracy of films from the US, UK, France and Italy represents 96 % of film piracy in the EU, according to the EUIPO study "ONLINE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IN THE EU: FILM, MUSIC AND TV". The study is based on an analysis of the 30 most frequently pirated creative works in each of the EU Member States.